What to Expect from a DIEP Flap Reconstruction Surgery

breast reconstruction houstonIf you’re considering, or have already decided, to get a DIEP flap breast reconstruction by Houston plastic surgeons Dr. Fusi & Dr. Craig, you probably have a lot of questions. Rest assured, we are here to answer the FAQs about this procedure. Read on as we explain what to expect from a DIEP flap reconstruction surgery.

Know That There is a Small Risk That the Procedure Will Fail

A DIEP flap is the preferred body tissue breast reconstruction surgery of Houston plastic surgeons Dr. Fusi & Dr. Craig. However, neither doctors want you to enter the operating room without knowing the risks. There is a small chance that, despite Dr. Fusi & Dr. Craig’s best efforts, the blood vessel connection will fail to “take,” and that your transferred abdominal tissue will die. To prevent this from happening, Dr. Fusi & Dr. Craig take ample time performing microsurgery to connect abdominal and chest blood vessels together, monitor you throughout your healing process and will intervene at the first sign of complication.

Anticipate Multiple Follow Up Appointments

We know that breast cancer patients have a schedule stacked full of medical appointments, and we hate to add one more. But, it’s important that you are carefully monitored after DIEP flap breast reconstruction, which is why you will have several follow up appointments in Dr. Fusi & Dr. Craig’s Houston office.

Know That You’ll Have Strict Recovery Guidelines

Anytime you have surgery; you’ll have post-op instructions to follow. When it comes to getting a DIEP flap, these guidelines are strict. They include:

  • Not showering for a few days until your incisions have begun healing;
  • Resting throughout the day and for 1 to 2 weeks after your procedure;
  • Taking pain medications on a strict schedule, including waking up in the middle of the night so that you don’t miss a dose;
  • Eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water;
  • Refraining from smoking or using smokeless tobacco products, both of which can complicate your recovery process;
  • Not sleeping on your stomach, and instead sleeping on your back with pillows propped up under your back, on your side, or in a recliner; and
  • Coming to Dr. Fusi & Dr. Craig at the very first sign of a possible infection or complication.

Learning More About a DIEP Flap Surgery

We understand that having surgery can be a little intimidating, and want to make sure you feel confident in the steps we will take to improve your overall confidence. If you have more questions about what to expect before, during and after a DIEP flap, the best thing you can do is talk to Dr. Fusi & Dr. Craig directly. Our experienced doctors will be with you every step of the way to guarantee a successful procedure, and have done so for all of our reconstructive patients.

You can schedule an initial consultation with them in their Houston office today by calling (713) 346-9909.