What are the Benefits of Getting DIEP Flap Over Implants?

breast reconstruction houstonIf you’re a Houston woman facing a mastectomy, one of the many things on your mind is likely what type of breast reconstruction to choose. Should you get a breast reconstruction using your body’s own tissue, or should you get breast implants? Read on to learn five simple benefits of getting a DIEP flap – one of the most common, body tissue-based breast reconstructions available.

  1. Many Women Facing a Breast Reconstruction Have Never Considered Plastic Surgery Before

Many Houston breast cancer patients who are getting mastectomies have never considered getting plastic surgery, much less a breast augmentation. But now, being faced with the possibility of losing their breasts, they would prefer to have their breasts reconstructed. For these women, a DIEP flap, which is a muscle-sparing breast reconstruction option that uses your body’s abdominal tissue.

  1. A DIEP Flap Provides Houston Women with More Natural-Feeling Breasts

When a woman gets breast implants, either for a breast reconstruction or an elective breast augmentation, Dr. Fusi & Dr. Craig do everything possible to provide her with natural looking and natural feeling results. But, there’s only so much “natural” work you can do with a man-made product. A DIEP flap, however, uses the body’s abdominal flesh, tissue, and blood supply, providing the most natural looking and feeling breasts possible.

  1. A DIEP Flap is Ideal for Women with Extra Abdominal Fat

If you’re a woman with extra abdominal fat, a DIEP flap could be the ideal breast reconstruction surgery for you because you’ll have optimal source tissue for the procedure. Additionally, while this is likely not your primary concern at the moment, a DIEP flap may result in a trimmer abdomen, which you may appreciate in the years to come. 

  1. A DIEP Flap is Great for Women with Naturally Large Breasts

Another benefit of DIEP flap for Houston women is that the surgery typically allows Dr. Fusi & Dr. Craig to get a significant amount of donor tissue, versus other flap surgeries. This makes DIEP flap an ideal surgery for mastectomy patients with large breasts, as they can be reconstructed in a natural way. 

  1. Breast Implants Need to Be Replaced Overtime, While a DIEP Flap is Permanent

Many women desiring breast implants don’t realize that they aren’t meant to be permanent; they need to be replaced every 10 years, plus monitored via MRI every two to three years to ensure they haven’t ruptured. Many breast reconstruction patients understandably don’t want to endure any unnecessary additional procedures, which makes DIEP flap – a procedure that’s designed to be permanent – an ideal solution for them.

Ask Dr. Fusi & Dr. Craig Your Questions Directly

If you’re on the fence about getting breast implants or a DIEP flap for your breast reconstruction, the best thing you can do is talk to Dr. Fusi & Dr. Craig directly about your questions and concerns.

You can schedule an initial consultation by calling their Houston office at (713) 346-9909.