Breast Reconstruction

If you’re considering, or have already decided, to get a DIEP flap breast reconstruction by Houston plastic surgeons Dr. Fusi & Dr. Craig, you probably have a lot of questions. Rest assured, we are here to answer the FAQs about this procedure. Read on as we explain what to expect from a DIEP flap reconstruction […]

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If you’re a Houston woman facing a mastectomy, one of the many things on your mind is likely what type of breast reconstruction to choose. Should you get a breast reconstruction using your body’s own tissue, or should you get breast implants? Read on to learn five simple benefits of getting a DIEP flap – […]

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Whether you’re a Houston woman getting ready for a combined mastectomy and breast reconstruction surgery, or you’ve already had your mastectomy and are now prepping for breast reconstruction via DIEP Flap, you likely have a lot of questions. To help you answer those and prepare you for your upcoming surgery, we’ve made this list of […]

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For breast cancer patients facing a mastectomy, there are two main types of breast reconstruction options: implant-based breast reconstruction and tissue based breast reconstruction. Houston plastic surgeons Dr. Fusi & Dr. Craig are highly trained and skilled in both procedure types. If you need help deciding which reconstruction option is right for you, we want […]

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Are you a Houston woman who has decided that you want to use your body’s own tissue for your breast reconstruction surgery? If so, you likely already know that there are a few different procedures from which you can choose. A DIEP flap, which stands for “deep inferior epigastric perforators,” and a TRAM flap, which […]

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Breast reconstruction can be an emotional time for a Houston woman. Not only is she in the thick of her breast cancer treatment plan, but she is also facing a mastectomy and losing a part of her natural womanhood. For these reasons, the recovery from breast reconstruction surgery is all that more important than is […]

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For Houston breast cancer patients who are also getting a mastectomy, coordinating care can be a frustrating experience that adds to the already wide array of emotions that a breast cancer patient feels. These feelings can be compounded if you’ve decided to get a breast reconstruction, too. With so many different appointments to keep and […]

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If you’re a Houston woman facing a mastectomy, you have likely found this blog post because you are researching your options for breast reconstruction. This reconstructive procedure to rebuild breast tissue can be performed immediately, meaning during your mastectomy surgery, or it can be delayed and performed weeks, months or even years after your Houston […]

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Breast cancer is a difficult and emotional disease to face. Finding out that not only do you have breast cancer, but you also need to have a mastectomy can make the diagnosis feel even worse. While intuitively, you know that your oncologist is looking out for your best interest by recommending a mastectomy, you still […]

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For many Houston women, breasts are a significant part of their femininity. Not only are breasts a part of their womanly physique, but the sensations in their breasts are important aspects of their feminine identity. For these reasons, many mastectomy patients choose to get a Houston breast reconstruction, to restore their silhouette. But, many of […]

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