10 Things To Consider Before Rhinoplasty


Your decision to undergo a rhinoplasty can be an exciting time and welcomed change. However, before scheduling your surgery there are ten aspects you should consider about your rhinoplasty.

  1. Take approximately ten days off from work. In our Houston practice, we have talked to many patients who expect to be up and back to work after three days of recovery. This is barely enough time for the body to register the full extent of surgery and you will likely feel worse on the third and fourth day than the first. By taking time to recover, you will avoid putting yourself through anything other than healing and give your body a chance to heal properly.
  1. Bruising and swelling is normal in the first week. Undergoing a rhinoplasty has bruising and swelling similar to a broken nose. The area around your eyes will blacken after three to five days and swelling will continue for up to a week. Plan your surgery around any special events because it will take at least a few weeks for the swelling and bruising to resolve completely.
  1. Your final result will be evident after approximately one year. It will not take you that long to improve, but for all of the swelling to resolve completely. Many patients are surprised that their noses continue to heal and may go through awkward stages of asymmetry until a year after surgery.
  1. Refrain from exercise for one month. An elevated heart rate leads to swelling, and that’s exactly what you want to avoid after any surgical procedure. A heart rate of over 100, common in any type of cardio, is sure to cause your nose to swell, even bruise and bleed.
  1. Prepare for the symptoms of a rhinoplasty. It may surprise you to learn that most rhinoplasty patients who come to our Houston practice are remarkably comfortable after surgery. In fact, severe pain is exceedingly rare. The chief symptoms that causes most patients discomfort are the stuffiness, swelling, and bruising inherent in every rhinoplasty procedure. Luckily, these are easily managed with the aid of over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
  1. Know what is normal. Before panicking that your rhinoplasty results are not as expected, spend time to understand what is normal after surgery. Congestion, minor bleeding, swelling, and sleepiness are all normal. But if you experience any other symptoms we recommend a call to our Houston practice.
  1. You will come in for a follow-up appointment about one week after your rhinoplasty. At this appointment your nasal splint will be removed, and it is likely that you will experience some pain during this procedure.
  1. Healing occurs in stages. In the first week to ten days the acute swelling will diminish, after one or two months the residual swelling will be gone. The final stage of healing will take approximately one year for the final result to emerge.
  1. Spend time finding a surgeon you trust. Experience and bedside manner are the two most important traits in a plastic surgeon. These two characteristics will ensure that you are in good hands in the operating room and during your recovery.
  1. Revision surgery is not common. The rate for rhinoplasty revision is exceptionally low for experienced plastic surgeons. However, if necessary, you will need to wait approximately one year for the final result to become apparent before your second surgery.27

To schedule your rhinoplasty consultation, contact our Houston office at (713) 346-9909.